
pygmt.makecpt(*, transparency=None, cmap=None, background=None, color_model=None, truncate=None, output=None, reverse=None, overrule_bg=None, no_bg=None, log=None, series=None, verbose=None, categorical=None, cyclic=None, continuous=None, **kwargs)[source]

Make GMT color palette tables.

This function will help you to make static color palette tables (CPTs). By default, the CPT will be saved as the current CPT of the session, figure, subplot, panel, or inset depending on which level pygmt.makecpt is called (for details on how GMT modern mode maintains different levels of colormaps please see You can use output to save the CPT to a file. You define an equidistant set of contour intervals or pass your own z-table or list, and create a new CPT based on an existing master (dynamic) CPT. The resulting CPT can be reversed relative to the master cpt, and can be made continuous or discrete. For color tables beyond the standard GMT offerings, visit cpt-city and Scientific Colour-Maps.

The CPT includes three additional colors beyond the range of z-values. These are the background color (B) assigned to values lower than the lowest z-value, the foreground color (F) assigned to values higher than the highest z-value, and the NaN color (N) painted wherever values are undefined.

If the master CPT includes B, F, and N entries, these will be copied into the new master file. If not, the parameters COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_FOREGROUND, and COLOR_NAN from the gmt.conf file will be used. This default behavior can be overruled using the parameters background, overrule_bg or no_bg.

The color model (RGB, HSV or CMYK) of the palette created by pygmt.makecpt will be the same as specified in the header of the master CPT. When there is no COLOR_MODEL entry in the master CPT, the COLOR_MODEL specified in the gmt.conf file will be used.

Full option list at


  • A = transparency

  • C = cmap

  • D = background

  • F = color_model

  • G = truncate

  • H = output

  • I = reverse

  • M = overrule_bg

  • N = no_bg

  • Q = log

  • T = series

  • V = verbose

  • W = categorical

  • Ww = cyclic

  • Z = continuous

  • transparency (str) – Set a constant level of transparency (0-100) for all color slices. Append +a to also affect the foreground, background, and NaN colors [Default is no transparency, i.e., 0 (opaque)].

  • cmap (str) – Select the master color palette table (CPT) to use in the interpolation. Full list of built-in color palette tables can be found at

  • background (bool or str) – Select the back- and foreground colors to match the colors for lowest and highest z-values in the output CPT [Default (background=True or background="o") uses the colors specified in the master file, or those defined by the parameters COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_FOREGROUND, and COLOR_NAN]. Use background="i" to match the colors for the lowest and highest values in the input (instead of the output) CPT.

  • color_model (str) – [R|r|h|c][+c[label|start[-]]]. Force output CPT to be written with r/g/b codes, gray-scale values or color name (R, default) or r/g/b codes only (r), or h-s-v codes (h), or c/m/y/k codes (c). Optionally or alternatively, append +c to write discrete palettes in categorical format. If label is appended then we create labels for each category to be used when the CPT is plotted. The label may be a comma-separated list of category names (you can skip a category by not giving a name), or give start, where we automatically build monotonically increasing labels from start (a single letter or an integer). Additionally append - to build ranges start-start+1 as labels instead.

  • series (list or str) – [min/max/inc[+b|l|n]|file|list]. Define the range of the new CPT by giving the lowest and highest z-value (and optionally an interval). If this is not given, the existing range in the master CPT will be used intact. The values produced defines the color slice boundaries. If +n is used it refers to the number of such boundaries and not the number of slices. For details on array creation, see

  • truncate (list or str) – zlow/zhigh. Truncate the incoming CPT so that the lowest and highest z-levels are to zlow and zhigh. If one of these equal NaN then we leave that end of the CPT alone. The truncation takes place before any resampling. See also

  • output (str) – Optional. The file name with extension .cpt to store the generated CPT file. If not given or False [Default], saves the CPT as the current CPT of the session, figure, subplot, panel, or inset depending on which level pygmt.makecpt is called.

  • reverse (str) – Set this to True or c [Default] to reverse the sense of color progression in the master CPT. Set this to z to reverse the sign of z-values in the color table. Note that this change of z-direction happens before truncate and series values are used so the latter must be compatible with the changed z-range. See also

  • overrule_bg (str) – Overrule background, foreground, and NaN colors specified in the master CPT with the values of the parameters COLOR_BACKGROUND, COLOR_FOREGROUND, and COLOR_NAN specified in the gmt.conf file. When combined with background, only COLOR_NAN is considered.

  • no_bg (bool) – Do not write out the background, foreground, and NaN-color fields [Default will write them, i.e. no_bg=False].

  • log (bool) – For logarithmic interpolation scheme with input given as logarithms. Expects input z-values provided via series to be log10(z), assigns colors, and writes out z.

  • continuous (bool) – Force a continuous CPT when building from a list of colors and a list of z-values [Default is None, i.e. discrete values].

  • verbose (bool or str) – Select verbosity level [Full usage].

  • categorical (bool) – Do not interpolate the input color table but pick the output colors starting at the beginning of the color table, until colors for all intervals are assigned. This is particularly useful in combination with a categorical color table, like cmap="categorical".

  • cyclic (bool) – Produce a wrapped (cyclic) color table that endlessly repeats its range. Note that cyclic=True cannot be set together with categorical=True.

Examples using pygmt.makecpt

3-D scatter plots

3-D scatter plots

Ternary diagram

Ternary diagram



Multiple colormaps

Multiple colormaps

Calculating grid gradient and radiance

Calculating grid gradient and radiance

Calculating grid gradient with custom azimuth and normalize parameters

Calculating grid gradient with custom azimuth and normalize parameters

Create ‘wet-dry’ mask grid

Create 'wet-dry' mask grid

Line colors with a custom CPT

Line colors with a custom CPT

Choropleth map

Choropleth map

Vertical or horizontal bars

Vertical or horizontal bars

Color points by categories

Color points by categories

Draping a dataset on top of a topographic surface

Draping a dataset on top of a topographic surface

Plotting focal mechanisms

Plotting focal mechanisms

Performing grid histogram equalization

Performing grid histogram equalization

Interactive data visualization using Panel

Interactive data visualization using Panel

Plotting data points

Plotting data points