Go to the end to download the full example code.
Vertical or horizontal bars
The pygmt.Figure.plot
method can plot vertical (b) or
horizontal (B) bars by passing the corresponding shortcut to
the style
parameter. By default, base = 0 meaning that the
bar is starting from 0. Append +b[base] to change this
value. To plot multi-band bars, please append
+v|iny (for verticals bars) or +v|inx
(for horizontal ones), where ny or nx indicate the total
number of bands in the bar (and hence the number of values required
to follow the x,y coordinate pair in the input). Here, +i
means we must accumulate the bar values from the increments
dy or dx, while +v means we get the complete values relative
to base. Normally, the bands are plotted as sections of a final
single bar. Use +s to instead split the bar into ny or nx
side-by-side, individual and thinner bars. Multi-band bars require
with one color per band.

import pygmt
fig = pygmt.Figure()
pygmt.makecpt(cmap="roma", series=[0, 4, 1])
with fig.subplot(
subsize=("8c", "4c"),
margins=["0.5c", "0.75c"],
pen = "1.5p"
with fig.set_panel(panel=0):
fill = "skyblue"
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 3], frame="+tvertical bars")
fig.plot(x=1, y=2, style="b0.5c", fill=fill, pen=pen)
fig.plot(x=2, y=2.5, style="b1c", fill=fill, pen=pen)
# +b1 means that the bar is starting from y=1 here
fig.plot(x=3, y=2.5, style="b0.75c+b1", fill=fill, pen=pen)
with fig.set_panel(panel=1):
fill = "tomato"
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 3], frame="+thorizontal bars")
fig.plot(x=1.5, y=0.5, style="B0.75c", fill=fill, pen=pen)
fig.plot(x=3, y=1.5, style="B1c", fill=fill, pen=pen)
# +b2 means that the bar is starting from x=2 here
fig.plot(x=3.5, y=2.5, style="B0.5c+b2", fill=fill, pen=pen)
# generate dictionary for plotting multi-band bars
data = {
"x1": [0.25, 1.25],
"y": [1, 2],
"x2": [0.65, 0.5],
"x3": [0.4, 1.25],
"x4": [2.25, 0.75],
with fig.set_panel(panel=2):
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 3], frame="+tstacked bars")
fig.plot(data=data, style="B0.75c+i4", cmap=True, pen=pen)
with fig.set_panel(panel=3):
fig.basemap(region=[0, 4, 0, 3], frame="+tsplit bars")
fig.plot(data=data, style="B1c+v4+s", cmap=True, pen=pen)
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.220 seconds)