GMT Map Projections
The table below shows the projection codes for the 31 GMT map projections:
PyGMT Projection Argument |
Projection Name |
Alon0/lat0[/horizon]/width |
Blon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width |
Clon0/lat0/width |
Cyl_stere/[lon0/[lat0/]]width |
Dlon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width |
Elon0/lat0[/horizon]/width |
Flon0/lat0[/horizon]/width |
Glon0/lat0[/horizon]/width |
Glon0/lat0/width[+aazimuth][+ttilt][+vvwidth/vheight][+wtwist][+zaltitude] |
H[lon0/]width |
I[lon0/]width |
J[lon0/]width |
Kf[lon0/]width |
Ks[lon0/]width |
Llon0/lat0/lat1/lat2/width |
M[lon0/[lat0/]]width |
N[lon0/]width |
Oalon0/lat0/azimuth/width[+v] |
Oblique Mercator projection: 1. origin and azimuth |
Oblon0/lat0/lon1/lat1/width[+v] |
Oblique Mercator projection: 2. two points |
Oclon0/lat0/lonp/latp/width[+v] |
Oblique Mercator projection: 3. origin and projection pole |
Pwidth[+a][+f[e|p|radius]][+roffset][+torigin][+z[p|radius]] |
Polar azimuthal (\(\theta, r\)) or cylindrical |
Poly/[lon0/[lat0/]]width |
Q[lon0/[lat0/]]width |
R[lon0/]width |
Slon0/lat0[/horizon]/width |
Tlon0[/lat0]/width |
Uzone/width |
V[lon0/]width |
W[lon0/]width |
Xwidth[l|pexp|T|t][/height[l|pexp|T|t]][d] |
Cartesian linear, logarithmic, power, and time |
Ylon0/lat0/width |