Eckert VI equal-area projection

The Eckert VI projections, presented by the German cartographer Max Eckert-Greiffendorff in 1906, is a pseudo-cylindrical equal-area projection. Central meridian and all parallels are straight lines; other meridians are equally spaced sinusoids. The scale is true along latitude 49°16’.

ks[lon0/]scale or Ks[lon0/]width

The projection is set with ks or Ks. The central meridian is set with the optional lon0, and the figure size is set with scale or width.

misc eckertVI
import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()
# Use region "d" to specify global region (-180/180/-90/90)
fig.coast(region="d", projection="Ks12c", frame="afg", land="ivory", water="bisque4")

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.213 seconds)

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