
Polar projections allow plotting polar coordinate data (e.g. angle \(\theta\) and radius r).

The full syntax for polar projections is:


Limits are set via the region parameter ([theta_min, theta_max, radius_min, radius_max]). When using Pwidth you have to give the width of the figure. The lowercase version p is similar to P but expects a scale instead of a width (pscale).

The following customizing modifiers are available:

  • +a: by default, \(\theta\) refers to the angle that is equivalent to a counterclockwise rotation with respect to the east direction (standard definition); +a indicates that the input data are rotated clockwise relative to the north direction (geographical azimuth angle).

  • +roffset: represents the offset of the r-axis. This modifier allows you to offset the center of the circle from r=0.

  • +torigin: sets the angle corresponding to the east direction which is equivalent to rotating the entire coordinate axis clockwise; if the +a modifier is used, setting the angle corresponding to the north direction is equivalent to rotating the entire coordinate axis counterclockwise.

  • +f: reverses the radial direction.

    • Append e to indicate that the r-axis is an elevation angle, and the range of the r-axis should be between 0° and 90°.

    • Appending p sets the current Earth radius (determined by PROJ_ELLIPSOID) to the maximum value of the r-axis when the r-axis is reversed.

    • Append radius to set the maximum value of the r-axis.

  • +z: indicates that the r-axis is marked as depth instead of radius (e.g., r = radius - z).

    • Append p to set radius to the current Earth radius.

    • Append radius to set the value of the radius.

import pygmt

fig = pygmt.Figure()

pygmt.config(FONT_TITLE="14p,Courier,black", FORMAT_GEO_MAP="+D")

# ============
# Top left
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 360, radius_min = 0, radius_max = 1
    region=[0, 360, 0, 1],
    # Set map width to 5 cm
    # Set the frame and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
    frame=["xa45f", "+gbisque+tprojection='P5c' @^ region=[0, 360, 0, 1]"],


# ============
# Top middle
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 360, radius_min = 0, radius_max = 1
    region=[0, 360, 0, 1],
    # Set map width to 5 cm and interpret input data as geographic azimuth instead of
    # standard angle
    # Set the frame and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
    frame=["xa45f", "+gbisque+tprojection='P5c+a' @^ region=[0, 360, 0, 1]"],


# ============
# Top right
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 90, radius_min = 0, radius_max = 1
    region=[0, 90, 0, 1],
    # Set map width to 5 cm and interpret input data as geographic azimuth instead of
    # standard angle
    # Set the frame and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
    frame=["xa45f", "ya0.2", "WNe+gbisque+tprojection='P5c+a' @^ region=[0, 90, 0, 1]"],

fig.shift_origin(xshift="-2w-6c", yshift="-h-2c")

# ============
# Bottom left
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 90, radius_min = 0, radius_max = 1
    region=[0, 90, 0, 1],
    # Set map width to 5 cm and interpret input data as geographic azimuth instead of
    # standard angle, rotate coordinate system counterclockwise by 45 degrees
    # Set the frame and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
        "WNe+gbisque+tprojection='P5c+a+t45' @^ region=[0, 90, 0, 1]",

fig.shift_origin(xshift="w+3c", yshift="1.3c")

# ============
# Bottom middle
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 90, radius_min = 3480,
    # radius_max = 6371 (Earth's radius)
    region=[0, 90, 3480, 6371],
    # Set map width to 5 cm and interpret input data as geographic azimuth instead of
    # standard angle, rotate coordinate system counterclockwise by 45 degrees
    # Set the frame, and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
        "WNse+gbisque+tprojection='P5c+a+t45' @^ region=[0, 90, 3480, 6371]",


# ============
# Bottom right
    # Set map limits to theta_min = 0, theta_max = 90, radius_min = 3480,
    # radius_max = 6371 (Earth's radius)
    region=[0, 90, 3480, 6371],
    # Set map width to 5 cm and interpret input data as geographic azimuth instead of
    # standard angle, rotate coordinate system counterclockwise by 45 degrees, r-axis
    # is marked as depth
    # Set the frame, and title; @^ allows for a line break within the title
        "WNse+gbisque+tprojection='P5c+a+t45+\\z' @^ region=[0, 90, 3480, 6371]",


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.276 seconds)

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