Go to the end to download the full example code.
Cross-section along a transect
and pygmt.grdtrack
can be used to focus on a quantity and
its variation along a desired survey line. In this example, the elevation is extracted
from a grid provided via pygmt.datasets.load_earth_relief
. The figure consists
of two parts, a map of the elevation in the study area showing the survey line and a
Cartesian plot showing the elevation along the survey line.
This example is orientated on an example in the GMT/China documentation:

import pygmt
# Define region of study area
# lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max in degrees East and North
region_map = [122, 149, 30, 49]
# Create a new pygmt.Figure instance
fig = pygmt.Figure()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Bottom: Map of elevation in study area
# Set up basic map using a Mercator projection with a width of 12 centimeters
fig.basemap(region=region_map, projection="M12c", frame="af")
# Download grid for Earth relief with a resolution of 10 arc-minutes and gridline
# registration [Default]
grid_map = pygmt.datasets.load_earth_relief(resolution="10m", region=region_map)
# Plot the downloaded grid with color-coding based on the elevation
fig.grdimage(grid=grid_map, cmap="oleron")
# Add a colorbar for the elevation
# Place the colorbar inside the plot (lowercase "j") in the Bottom Right (BR)
# corner with an offset ("+o") of 0.7 centimeters and 0.3 centimeters in x or y
# directions, respectively; move the x label above the horizontal colorbar ("+ml")
# Add a box around the colobar with a fill ("+g") in "white" color and a
# transparency ("@") of 30 % and with a 0.8-points thick, black, outline ("+p")
# Add x and y labels ("+l")
frame=["x+lElevation", "y+lm"],
# Choose a survey line
x=[126, 146], # Longitude in degrees East
y=[42, 40], # Latitude in degrees North
# Draw a 2-points thick, red, dashed line for the survey line
# Add labels "A" and "B" for the start and end points of the survey line
x=[126, 146],
y=[42, 40],
text=["A", "B"],
offset="0c/0.2c", # Move text 0.2 centimeters up (y direction)
font="15p", # Use a font size of 15 points
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Top: Elevation along survey line
# Shift plot origin to the top by the height of the map ("+h") plus 1.5 centimeters
region=[0, 15, -8000, 6000], # x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max
# Cartesian projection with a width of 12 centimeters and a height of 3 centimeters
# Add annotations ("a") and ticks ("f") as well as labels ("+l") at the west or
# left and south or bottom sides ("WSrt")
frame=["WSrt", "xa2f1+lDistance+u°", "ya4000+lElevation / m"],
# Add labels "A" and "B" for the start and end points of the survey line
x=[0, 15],
y=[7000, 7000],
text=["A", "B"],
no_clip=True, # Do not clip text that fall outside the plot bounds
font="10p", # Use a font size of 10 points
# Generate points along a great circle corresponding to the survey line and store them
# in a pandas.DataFrame
track_df = pygmt.project(
center=[126, 42], # Start point of survey line (longitude, latitude)
endpoint=[146, 40], # End point of survey line (longitude, latitude)
generate=0.1, # Output data in steps of 0.1 degrees
# Extract the elevation at the generated points from the downloaded grid and add it as
# new column "elevation" to the pandas.DataFrame
track_df = pygmt.grdtrack(grid=grid_map, points=track_df, newcolname="elevation")
# Plot water masses
x=[0, 15],
y=[0, 0],
fill="lightblue", # Fill the polygon in "lightblue"
# Draw a 0.25-points thick, black, solid outline
close="+y-8000", # Force closed polygon
# Plot elevation along the survey line
fill="gray", # Fill the polygon in "gray"
# Draw a 1-point thick, black, solid outline
close="+y-8000", # Force closed polygon
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.315 seconds)