
Figure.hlines(y, xmin=None, xmax=None, pen=None, label=None, no_clip=False, perspective=None)

Plot one or multiple horizontal line(s).

This method is a high-level wrapper around pygmt.Figure.plot that focuses on plotting horizontal lines at Y-coordinates specified by the y parameter. The y parameter can be a single value (for a single horizontal line) or a sequence of values (for multiple horizontal lines).

By default, the X-coordinates of the start and end points of the lines are set to be the X-limits of the current plot, but this can be overridden by specifying the xmin and xmax parameters. xmin and xmax can be either a single value or a sequence of values. If a single value is provided, it is applied to all lines. If a sequence is provided, the length of xmin and xmax must match the length of y.

The term “horizontal” lines can be interpreted differently in different coordinate systems:

  • Cartesian: lines are plotted as straight lines.

  • Polar: lines are plotted as arcs along a constant radius.

  • Geographic: lines are plotted as arcs along parallels (i.e., constant latitude).

  • y (float | Sequence[float]) – Y-coordinates to plot the lines. It can be a single value (for a single line) or a sequence of values (for multiple lines).

  • xmin/xmax – X-coordinates of the start/end point(s) of the line(s). If None, defaults to the X-limits of the current plot. xmin and xmax can be either a single value or a sequence of values. If a single value is provided, it is applied to all lines. If a sequence is provided, the length of xmin and xmax must match the length of y.

  • pen (str | None, default: None) – Pen attributes for the line(s), in the format of width,color,style.

  • label (str | None, default: None) – Label for the line(s), to be displayed in the legend.

  • no_clip (bool, default: False) – If True, do not clip lines outside the plot region. Only makes sense in the Cartesian coordinate system.

  • perspective (str | bool | None, default: None) – Select perspective view and set the azimuth and elevation angle of the viewpoint. Refer to pygmt.Figure.plot for details.


>>> import pygmt
>>> fig = pygmt.Figure()
>>> fig.basemap(region=[0, 10, 0, 10], projection="X10c/10c", frame=True)
>>> fig.hlines(y=1, pen="1p,black", label="Line at y=1")
>>> fig.hlines(y=2, xmin=2, xmax=8, pen="1p,red,-", label="Line at y=2")
>>> fig.hlines(y=[3, 4], xmin=3, xmax=7, pen="1p,black,.", label="Lines at y=3,4")
>>> fig.hlines(y=[5, 6], xmin=4, xmax=9, pen="1p,red", label="Lines at y=5,6")
>>> fig.hlines(
...     y=[7, 8], xmin=[0, 1], xmax=[7, 8], pen="1p,blue", label="Lines at y=7,8"
... )
>>> fig.legend()

Examples using pygmt.Figure.hlines

Horizontal and vertical lines

Horizontal and vertical lines

Creating legends

Creating legends