, *, per_column=None, spacing=None, nearest_multiple=None, verbose=None, aspatial=None, coltypes=None, incols=None, registration=None, **kwargs)[source]

Get information about data tables.

Reads from files and finds the extreme values in each of the columns reported as min/max pairs. It recognizes NaNs and will print warnings if the number of columns vary from record to record. As an option, it will find the extent of the first two columns rounded up and down to the nearest multiple of the supplied increments given by spacing. Such output will be in a numpy.ndarray form [w, e, s, n], which can be used directly as the region parameter for other modules (hence only dx and dy are needed). If the per_column parameter is combined with spacing, then the numpy.ndarray output will be rounded up/down for as many columns as there are increments provided in spacing. A similar parameter nearest_multiple will provide a numpy.ndarray in the form of [zmin, zmax, dz] for makecpt.

Full option list at


  • C = per_column

  • I = spacing

  • T = nearest_multiple

  • V = verbose

  • a = aspatial

  • f = coltypes

  • i = incols

  • r = registration

  • data (str, numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame, xarray.Dataset, or geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – Pass in either a file name to an ASCII data table, a 1-D/2-D numpy.ndarray, a pandas.DataFrame, an xarray.Dataset made up of 1-D xarray.DataArray data variables, or a geopandas.GeoDataFrame containing the tabular data.

  • per_column (bool) – Report the min/max values per column in separate columns.

  • spacing (str) – [b|p|f|s]dx[/dy[/dz…]]. Compute the min/max values of the first n columns to the nearest multiple of the provided increments [default is 2 columns]. By default, output results in the form [w, e, s, n], unless per_column is set in which case we output each min and max value in separate output columns.

  • nearest_multiple (str) – dz[+ccol]. Report the min/max of the first (0’th) column to the nearest multiple of dz and output this in the form [zmin, zmax, dz].

  • verbose (bool or str) – Select verbosity level [Full usage].

  • aspatial (bool or str) – [col=]name[,…]. Control how aspatial data are handled during input and output. Full documentation is at

  • incols (str or 1-D array) –

    Specify data columns for primary input in arbitrary order. Columns can be repeated and columns not listed will be skipped [Default reads all columns in order, starting with the first (i.e., column 0)].

    • For 1-D array: specify individual columns in input order (e.g., incols=[1,0] for the 2nd column followed by the 1st column).

    • For str: specify individual columns or column ranges in the format start[:inc]:stop, where inc defaults to 1 if not specified, with columns and/or column ranges separated by commas (e.g., incols="0:2,4+l" to input the first three columns followed by the log-transformed 5th column). To read from a given column until the end of the record, leave off stop when specifying the column range. To read trailing text, add the column t. Append the word number to t to ingest only a single word from the trailing text. Instead of specifying columns, use incols="n" to simply read numerical input and skip trailing text. Optionally, append one of the following modifiers to any column or column range to transform the input columns:

      • +l to take the log10 of the input values.

      • +d to divide the input values by the factor divisor [Default is 1].

      • +s to multiple the input values by the factor scale [Default is 1].

      • +o to add the given offset to the input values [Default is 0].

  • coltypes (str) – [i|o]colinfo. Specify data types of input and/or output columns (time or geographical data). Full documentation is at

  • registration (str) – g|p. Force gridline (g) or pixel (p) node registration [Default is g(ridline)].


output (numpy.ndarray or str) – Return type depends on whether any of the per_column, spacing, or nearest_multiple parameters are set.

  • numpy.ndarray if either of the above parameters are used.

  • str if none of the above parameters are used.

Examples using

3-D scatter plots

3-D scatter plots

Color points by categories

Color points by categories

Plotting datetime charts

Plotting datetime charts