Source code for pygmt.src.timestamp

timestamp - Plot the GMT timestamp logo.
import warnings

from packaging.version import Version
from pygmt import __gmt_version__
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.helpers import build_arg_string, is_nonstr_iter

__doctest_skip__ = ["timestamp"]

def timestamp(
    offset=("-54p", "-54p"),
    timefmt="%Y %b %d %H:%M:%S",
    Plot the GMT timestamp logo.

    Add the GMT timestamp logo with an optional label at the bottom-left corner
    of a plot with an offset of ``("-54p", "-54p")``. The timestamp will be
    in the locale set by the environment variable **TZ** (generally local time
    but can be changed via ``os.environ["TZ"]``) and its format is controlled
    by the ``timefmt`` parameter. It can also be replaced with any custom
    text string using the ``text`` parameter.

    text : None or str
        If ``None``, the current UNIX timestamp is shown in the GMT timestamp
        logo. Set this parameter to replace the UNIX timestamp with a custom
        text string instead. The text must be no longer than 64 characters.
    label : None or str
        The text string shown after the GMT timestamp logo.
    justification : str
        Justification of the timestamp box relative to the plot's bottom-left
        corner (i.e., the plot origin). The *justification* is a two-character
        code that is a combination of a horizontal (**L**\ (eft),
        **C**\ (enter), or **R**\ (ight)) and a vertical (**T**\ (op),
        **M**\ (iddle), or **B**\ (ottom)) code. For example,
        ``justification="TL"`` means choosing the **T**\ op **L**\ eft point of
        the timestamp as the anchor point.
    offset : str or tuple
        *offset* or (*offset_x*, *offset_y*).
        Offset the anchor point of the timestamp box by *offset_x* and
        *offset_y*. If a single value *offset* is given, *offset_y* =
        *offset_x* = *offset*.
    font : str
        Font of the timestamp and the optional label. Since the GMT logo has a
        fixed height, the font sizes are fixed to be 8-point for the timestamp
        and 7-point for the label. The parameter can't change the font color
        for GMT<=6.4.0, only the font style.
    timefmt : str
        Format string for the UNIX timestamp. The format string is parsed by
        the C function ``strftime``, so that virtually any text can be used
        (even not containing any time information).

    >>> # Plot the GMT timestamp logo.
    >>> import pygmt
    >>> fig = pygmt.Figure()
    >>> fig.timestamp()

    >>> # Plot the GMT timestamp logo with a custom label.
    >>> fig = pygmt.Figure()
    >>> fig.timestamp(label="Powered by PyGMT")
    self._preprocess()  # pylint: disable=protected-access

    # Build the options passed to the "plot" module
    kwdict = {"T": True, "U": ""}
    if label is not None:
        kwdict["U"] += f"{label}"
    kwdict["U"] += f"+j{justification}"

    if is_nonstr_iter(offset):  # given a tuple
        kwdict["U"] += "+o" + "/".join(f"{item}" for item in offset)
    else:  # given a single value
        if "/" not in offset and Version(__gmt_version__) <= Version("6.4.0"):
            # Giving a single offset doesn't work in GMT <= 6.4.0.
            # See
            kwdict["U"] += f"+o{offset}/{offset}"
            kwdict["U"] += f"+o{offset}"

    # The +t modifier was added in GMT 6.5.0.
    # See
    if text is not None:
        if len(str(text)) > 64:
            msg = (
                "Argument of 'text' must be no longer than 64 characters. "
                "The given text string will be truncated to 64 characters."
            warnings.warn(message=msg, category=RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2)
        if Version(__gmt_version__) <= Version("6.4.0"):
            # workaround for GMT<=6.4.0 by overriding the 'timefmt' parameter
            timefmt = text[:64]
            kwdict["U"] += f"+t{text}"

    with Session() as lib:
                kwdict, confdict={"FONT_LOGO": font, "FORMAT_TIME_STAMP": timefmt}