Source code for pygmt.datasets.tile_map

Function to load raster tile maps from XYZ tile providers, and load as

from import Sequence
from typing import Literal

from packaging.version import Version

    import contextily
    from import CRS
    from xyzservices import TileProvider

except ImportError:
    CRS = None
    TileProvider = None

    import rioxarray  # noqa: F401

except ImportError:
    _HAS_RIOXARRAY = False

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

__doctest_requires__ = {("load_tile_map"): ["contextily"]}

[docs] def load_tile_map( region: Sequence[float], zoom: int | Literal["auto"] = "auto", source: TileProvider | str | None = None, lonlat: bool = True, crs: str | CRS = "EPSG:3857", wait: int = 0, max_retries: int = 2, zoom_adjust: int | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """ Load a georeferenced raster tile map from XYZ tile providers. The tiles that compose the map are merged and georeferenced into an :class:`xarray.DataArray` image with 3 bands (RGB). Note that the returned image is in a Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857) coordinate reference system (CRS) by default, but can be customized using the ``crs`` parameter. Parameters ---------- region The bounding box of the map in the form of a list [*xmin*, *xmax*, *ymin*, *ymax*]. These coordinates should be in longitude/latitude if ``lonlat=True`` or Spherical Mercator (EPSG:3857) if ``lonlat=False``. zoom Level of detail. Higher levels (e.g. ``22``) mean a zoom level closer to the Earth's surface, with more tiles covering a smaller geographical area and thus more detail. Lower levels (e.g. ``0``) mean a zoom level further from the Earth's surface, with less tiles covering a larger geographical area and thus less detail. Default is ``"auto"`` to automatically determine the zoom level based on the bounding box region extent. .. note:: The maximum possible zoom level may be smaller than ``22``, and depends on what is supported by the chosen web tile provider source. source The tile source: web tile provider or path to a local file. Provide either: - A web tile provider in the form of a :class:`xyzservices.TileProvider` object. See :doc:`Contextily providers <contextily:providers_deepdive>` for a list of tile providers. Default is ``xyzservices.providers.OpenStreetMap.HOT``, i.e. OpenStreetMap Humanitarian web tiles. - A web tile provider in the form of a URL. The placeholders for the XYZ in the URL need to be {x}, {y}, {z}, respectively. E.g. ``https://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png``. - A local file path. The file is read with :doc:`rasterio <rasterio:index>` and all bands are loaded into the basemap. See :doc:`contextily:working_with_local_files`. .. important:: Tiles are assumed to be in the Spherical Mercator projection (EPSG:3857). lonlat If ``False``, coordinates in ``region`` are assumed to be Spherical Mercator as opposed to longitude/latitude. crs Coordinate reference system (CRS) of the returned :class:`xarray.DataArray` image. Default is ``"EPSG:3857"`` (i.e., Spherical Mercator). The CRS can be in either string or :class:`` format. wait If the tile API is rate-limited, the number of seconds to wait between a failed request and the next try. max_retries Total number of rejected requests allowed before contextily will stop trying to fetch more tiles from a rate-limited API. zoom_adjust The amount to adjust a chosen zoom level if it is chosen automatically. Values outside of -1 to 1 are not recommended as they can lead to slow execution. .. note:: The ``zoom_adjust`` parameter requires ``contextily>=1.5.0``. Returns ------- raster Georeferenced 3-D data array of RGB values. Raises ------ ImportError If ``contextily`` is not installed or can't be imported. Follow the :doc:`install instructions for contextily <contextily:index>`, (e.g. via ``python -m pip install contextily``) before using this function. Examples -------- >>> import contextily >>> from pygmt.datasets import load_tile_map >>> raster = load_tile_map( ... region=[-180.0, 180.0, -90.0, 0.0], # West, East, South, North ... zoom=1, # less detailed zoom level ... source=contextily.providers.OpenTopoMap, ... lonlat=True, # bounding box coordinates are longitude/latitude ... ) >>> raster.sizes Frozen({'band': 3, 'y': 256, 'x': 512}) >>> raster.coords # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE Coordinates: * band (band) uint8... 1 2 3 * y (y) float64... -7.081e-10 -7.858e+04 ... -1.996e+07 -2.004e+07 * x (x) float64... -2.004e+07 -1.996e+07 ... 1.996e+07 2.004e+07 spatial_ref int... 0 >>> # CRS is set only if rioxarray is available >>> if hasattr(raster, "rio"): ... 'EPSG:3857' """ # The CRS of the source tile provider. If the source is a TileProvider object, use # its crs attribute if available. Otherwise, default to EPSG:3857. _source_crs = getattr(source, "crs", "EPSG:3857") if not _HAS_CONTEXTILY: msg = ( "Package `contextily` is required to be installed to use this function. " "Please use `python -m pip install contextily` or " "`mamba install -c conda-forge contextily` to install the package." ) raise ImportError(msg) if crs != _source_crs and not _HAS_RIOXARRAY: msg = ( f"Package `rioxarray` is required if CRS is not '{_source_crs}'. " "Please use `python -m pip install rioxarray` or " "`mamba install -c conda-forge rioxarray` to install the package." ) raise ImportError(msg) # Keyword arguments for contextily.bounds2img contextily_kwargs = { "zoom": zoom, "source": source, "ll": lonlat, "wait": wait, "max_retries": max_retries, } # TODO(contextily>=1.5.0): Remove the check for the 'zoom_adjust' parameter. if zoom_adjust is not None: if Version(contextily.__version__) < Version("1.5.0"): msg = ( "The `zoom_adjust` parameter requires `contextily>=1.5.0` to work. " "Please upgrade contextily, or manually set the `zoom` level instead." ) raise ValueError(msg) contextily_kwargs["zoom_adjust"] = zoom_adjust west, east, south, north = region image, extent = contextily.bounds2img( w=west, s=south, e=east, n=north, **contextily_kwargs ) # Turn RGBA img from channel-last to channel-first and get 3-band RGB only _image = image.transpose(2, 0, 1) # Change image from (H, W, C) to (C, H, W) rgb_image = _image[0:3, :, :] # Get just RGB by dropping RGBA's alpha channel # Georeference RGB image into an xarray.DataArray left, right, bottom, top = extent dataarray = xr.DataArray( data=rgb_image, coords={ "band": np.array(object=[1, 2, 3], dtype=np.uint8), # Red, Green, Blue "y": np.linspace(start=top, stop=bottom, num=rgb_image.shape[1]), "x": np.linspace(start=left, stop=right, num=rgb_image.shape[2]), }, dims=("band", "y", "x"), ) # If rioxarray is installed, set the coordinate reference system. if hasattr(dataarray, "rio"): dataarray = # Reproject raster image from the source CRS to the specified CRS. if crs != _source_crs: dataarray = return dataarray