Source code for pygmt.src.shift_origin

shift_origin - Shift plot origin in x and/or y directions.

from pygmt.clib import Session

def shift_origin(self, xshift=None, yshift=None):
    Shift plot origin in x and/or y directions.

    This method shifts the plot origin relative to the current origin
    by (*xshift*, *yshift*). Optionally, append the length unit (**c**,
    **i**, or **p**). Default unit if not given is **c** for centimeters.

    Prepend **a** to shift the origin back to the original position after
    plotting, prepend **c** to center the plot on the center of the paper
    (optionally add shift), prepend **f** to shift the origin relative to
    the fixed lower left corner of the page, or prepend **r** [Default] to
    move the origin relative to its current location.

    Detailed usage at

    xshift : str
        Shift plot origin in x direction.
    yshift : str
        Shift plot origin in y direction.
    self._preprocess()  # pylint: disable=protected-access
    args = ["-T"]
    if xshift:
    if yshift:

    with Session() as lib:
        lib.call_module(module="plot", args=" ".join(args))