"""grdfill - Fill blank areas from a grid."""importxarrayasxrfrompygmt.clibimportSessionfrompygmt.exceptionsimportGMTInvalidInputfrompygmt.helpersimportbuild_arg_list,fmt_docstring,kwargs_to_strings,use_alias__doctest_skip__=["grdfill"]
[docs]@fmt_docstring@use_alias(A="mode",N="no_data",R="region",V="verbose",)@kwargs_to_strings(R="sequence")defgrdfill(grid,outgrid:str|None=None,**kwargs)->xr.DataArray|None:r""" Fill blank areas from a grid file. Read a grid that presumably has unfilled holes that the user wants to fill in some fashion. Holes are identified by NaN values but this criteria can be changed via the ``no_data`` parameter. There are several different algorithms that can be used to replace the hole values. Full option list at :gmt-docs:`grdfill.html` {aliases} Parameters ---------- {grid} {outgrid} mode : str Specify the hole-filling algorithm to use. Choose from **c** for constant fill and append the constant value, **n** for nearest neighbor (and optionally append a search radius in pixels [default radius is :math:`r^2 = \sqrt{{ X^2 + Y^2 }}`, where (*X,Y*) are the node dimensions of the grid]), or **s** for bicubic spline (optionally append a *tension* parameter [Default is no tension]). no_data : float Set the node value used to identify a point as a member of a hole [Default is NaN]. {region} {verbose} Returns ------- ret Return type depends on whether the ``outgrid`` parameter is set: - :class:`xarray.DataArray` if ``outgrid`` is not set - ``None`` if ``outgrid`` is set (grid output will be stored in the file set by ``outgrid``) Example ------- >>> import pygmt >>> # Load a bathymetric grid with missing data >>> earth_relief_holes = pygmt.datasets.load_sample_data(name="earth_relief_holes") >>> # Perform grid filling operations on the sample grid >>> # Set all empty values to "20" >>> filled_grid = pygmt.grdfill(grid=earth_relief_holes, mode="c20") """ifkwargs.get("A")isNoneandkwargs.get("L")isNone:msg="At least parameter 'mode' or 'L' must be specified."raiseGMTInvalidInput(msg)withSession()aslib:with(lib.virtualfile_in(check_kind="raster",data=grid)asvingrd,lib.virtualfile_out(kind="grid",fname=outgrid)asvoutgrd,):kwargs["G"]=voutgrdlib.call_module(module="grdfill",args=build_arg_list(kwargs,infile=vingrd))returnlib.virtualfile_to_raster(vfname=voutgrd,outgrid=outgrid)