meca - Plot focal mechanisms.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.exceptions import GMTInvalidInput
from pygmt.helpers import (
from pygmt.src._common import _FocalMechanismConvention
def _get_focal_convention(spec, convention, component) -> _FocalMechanismConvention:
Determine the focal mechanism convention from the input data or parameters.
# Determine the convention from dictionary keys or pandas.DataFrame column names.
if hasattr(spec, "keys"): # Dictionary or pandas.DataFrame
return _FocalMechanismConvention.from_params(spec.keys(), component=component)
# Determine the convention from the 'convention' parameter.
if convention is None:
msg = "Parameter 'convention' must be specified."
raise GMTInvalidInput(msg)
return _FocalMechanismConvention(convention=convention, component=component)
def _preprocess_spec(spec, colnames, override_cols):
Preprocess the input data.
The input data to be preprocessed.
The minimum required column names of the input data.
Dictionary of column names and values to override in the input data. Only makes
sense if ``spec`` is a dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
kind = data_kind(spec) # Determine the kind of the input data.
# Convert pandas.DataFrame and numpy.ndarray to dict.
if isinstance(spec, pd.DataFrame):
spec = {k: v.to_numpy() for k, v in spec.items()}
elif isinstance(spec, np.ndarray):
spec = np.atleast_2d(spec)
# Optional columns that are not required by the convention. The key is the
# number of extra columns, and the value is a list of optional column names.
extra_cols = {
0: [],
1: ["event_name"],
2: ["plot_longitude", "plot_latitude"],
3: ["plot_longitude", "plot_latitude", "event_name"],
ndiff = spec.shape[1] - len(colnames)
if ndiff not in extra_cols:
msg = f"Input array must have {len(colnames)} or two/three more columns."
raise GMTInvalidInput(msg)
spec = dict(zip([*colnames, *extra_cols[ndiff]], spec.T, strict=False))
# Now, the input data is a dict or an ASCII file.
if isinstance(spec, dict):
# The columns can be overridden by the parameters given in the function
# arguments. Only makes sense for dict/pandas.DataFrame input.
if kind != "matrix" and override_cols is not None:
spec.update({k: v for k, v in override_cols.items() if v is not None})
# Due to the internal implementation of the meca module, we need to convert the
# ``plot_longitude``, ``plot_latitude``, and ``event_name`` columns into strings
# if they exist.
for key in ["plot_longitude", "plot_latitude", "event_name"]:
if key in spec:
spec[key] = np.array(spec[key], dtype=str)
# Reorder columns to match convention if necessary. The expected columns are:
# longitude, latitude, depth, focal_parameters, [plot_longitude, plot_latitude],
# [event_name].
extra_cols = []
if "plot_longitude" in spec and "plot_latitude" in spec:
extra_cols.extend(["plot_longitude", "plot_latitude"])
if "event_name" in spec:
cols = [*colnames, *extra_cols]
if list(spec.keys()) != cols:
spec = {k: spec[k] for k in cols}
return spec
def _auto_offset(spec) -> bool:
Determine if offset should be set based on the input data.
If the input data contains ``plot_longitude`` and ``plot_latitude``, then we set the
``offset`` parameter to ``True`` automatically.
return (
isinstance(spec, dict | pd.DataFrame)
and "plot_longitude" in spec
and "plot_latitude" in spec
@kwargs_to_strings(R="sequence", c="sequence_comma", p="sequence")
def meca( # noqa: PLR0913
Plot focal mechanisms.
The following focal mechanism conventions are supported:
.. list-table:: Supported focal mechanism conventions.
:widths: 15 15 40 30
:header-rows: 1
* - Convention
- Description
- Focal parameters
- Remark
* - ``"aki"``
- Aki and Richard
- *strike*, *dip*, *rake*, *magnitude*
- angles in degrees
* - ``"gcmt"``
- global centroid moment tensor
- | *strike1*, *dip1*, *rake1*,
| *strike2*, *dip2*, *rake2*,
| *mantissa*, *exponent*
- | angles in degrees;
| seismic moment is
| :math:`mantissa * 10 ^ {{exponent}}`
| in dyn cm
* - ``"mt"``
- seismic moment tensor
- | *mrr*, *mtt*, *mff*,
| *mrt*, *mrf*, *mtf*,
| *exponent*
- | moment components
| in :math:`10 ^ {{exponent}}` dyn cm
* - ``"partial"``
- partial focal mechanism
- | *strike1*, *dip1*, *strike2*,
| *fault_type*, *magnitude*
- | angles in degrees;
| *fault_type* means +1/-1 for
| normal/reverse fault
* - ``"principal_axis"``
- principal axis
- | *t_value*, *t_azimuth*, *t_plunge*,
| *n_value*, *n_azimuth*, *n_plunge*,
| *p_value*, *p_azimuth*, *p_plunge*,
| *exponent*
- | values in :math:`10 ^ {{exponent}}` dyn cm;
| azimuths and plunges in degrees
Full option list at :gmt-docs:`supplements/seis/meca.html`
spec : str, 1-D numpy array, 2-D numpy array, dict, or pandas.DataFrame
Data that contain focal mechanism parameters.
``spec`` can be specified in either of the following types:
- *str*: a file name containing focal mechanism parameters as columns. The
meaning of each column is:
- Columns 1 and 2: event longitude and latitude
- Column 3: event depth (in kilometers)
- Columns 4 to 3+n: focal mechanism parameters. The number of columns *n*
depends on the choice of ``convention`` (see the table above for the
supported conventions).
- Columns 4+n and 5+n: longitude and latitude at which to place the
beachball. ``0 0`` plots the beachball at the longitude and latitude
given in the columns 1 and 2. [optional; requires ``offset=True``].
- Last Column: text string to appear near the beachball [optional].
- *1-D np.array*: focal mechanism parameters of a single event.
The meanings of columns are the same as above.
- *2-D np.array*: focal mechanism parameters of multiple events.
The meanings of columns are the same as above.
- *dict* or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`: The dict keys or
:class:`pandas.DataFrame` column names determine the focal mechanism
convention. For the different conventions, the combination of keys /
column names as given in the table above are required.
A dict may contain values for a single focal mechanism or lists of
values for multiple focal mechanisms.
Both dict and :class:`pandas.DataFrame` may optionally contain the keys /
column names: ``latitude``, ``longitude``, ``depth``, ``plot_longitude``,
``plot_latitude``, and/or ``event_name``.
If ``spec`` is either a str or a 1-D or 2-D numpy array, the ``convention``
parameter is required to interpret the columns. If ``spec`` is a dict or
a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, ``convention`` is not needed and ignored if
scale : float or str
*scale*\ [**+a**\ *angle*][**+f**\ *font*][**+j**\ *justify*]\
[**+l**][**+m**][**+o**\ *dx*\ [/\ *dy*]][**+s**\ *reference*].
Adjust scaling of the radius of the beachball, which is proportional to the
magnitude. By default, *scale* defines the size for magnitude = 5 (i.e., scalar
seismic moment M0 = 4.0E23 dyn cm). If **+l** is used the radius will be
proportional to the seismic moment instead. Use **+s** and give a *reference*
to change the reference magnitude (or moment), and use **+m** to plot all
beachballs with the same size. A text string can be specified to appear near
the beachball (corresponding to column or parameter ``event_name``). Append
**+a**\ *angle* to change the angle of the text string; append **+f**\ *font*
to change its font (size,fontname,color); append **+j**\ *justify* to change
the text location relative to the beachball [Default is ``"TC"``, i.e., Top
Center]; append **+o** to offset the text string by *dx*\ /*dy*.
convention : str
Focal mechanism convention. See the table above for the supported conventions.
Ignored if ``spec`` is a dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
component : str
The component of the seismic moment tensor to plot.
- ``"full"``: the full seismic moment tensor
- ``"dc"``: the closest double couple defined from the moment tensor (zero
trace and zero determinant)
- ``"deviatoric"``: deviatoric part of the moment tensor (zero trace)
longitude/latitude/depth : float, list, or 1-D numpy array
Longitude(s) / latitude(s) / depth(s) of the event(s). Length must match the
number of events. Overrides the ``longitude`` / ``latitude`` / ``depth`` values
in ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
plot_longitude/plot_latitude : float, str, list, or 1-D numpy array
Longitude(s) / Latitude(s) at which to place the beachball(s). Length must match
the number of events. Overrides the ``plot_longitude`` / ``plot_latitude``
values in ``spec`` if ``spec`` is a dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
event_name : str, list of str, or 1-D numpy array
Text string(s), e.g., event name(s) to appear near the beachball(s). Length
must match the number of events. Overrides the ``event_name`` labels in ``spec``
if ``spec`` is a dict or :class:`pandas.DataFrame`.
labelbox : bool or str
Draw a box behind the label if given via ``event_name``. Use *fill* to give a
fill color [Default is ``"white"``].
offset : bool or str
[**+p**\ *pen*][**+s**\ *size*].
Offset beachball(s) to the longitude(s) and latitude(s) specified in the last
two columns of the input file or array, or by ``plot_longitude`` and
``plot_latitude`` if provided. A line from the beachball to the initial location
is drawn. Use **+s**\ *size* to plot a small circle at the initial location and
to set the diameter of this circle [Default is no circle]. Use **+p**\ *pen* to
set the pen attributes for this feature [Default is set via ``pen``]. The fill
of the circle is set via ``compressionfill`` or ``cmap``, i.e., corresponds to
the fill of the compressive quadrants.
compressionfill : str
Set color or pattern for filling compressive quadrants [Default is ``"black"``].
This setting also applies to the fill of the circle defined via ``offset``.
extensionfill : str
Set color or pattern for filling extensive quadrants [Default is ``"white"``].
pen : str
Set (default) pen attributes for all lines related to the beachball [Default is
``"0.25p,black,solid"``]. This setting applies to ``outline``, ``nodal``, and
``offset``, unless overruled by arguments passed to those parameters. Draws the
circumference of the beachball.
outline : bool or str
Draw circumference and nodal planes of the beachball. Use *pen* to set the pen
attributes for this feature [Default is set via ``pen``].
nodal : bool, int, or str
Plot the nodal planes and outline the bubble which is transparent. If *nplane*
- ``0`` or ``True``: both nodal planes are plotted [Default].
- ``1``: only the first nodal plane is plotted.
- ``2``: only the second nodal plane is plotted.
Use /*pen* to set the pen attributes for this feature [Default is set via
For double couple mechanisms, ``nodal`` renders the beachball transparent by
drawing only the nodal planes and the circumference. For non-double couple
mechanisms, ``nodal=0`` overlays best double couple transparently.
cmap : str
File name of a CPT file or a series of comma-separated colors (e.g.,
*color1,color2,color3*) to build a linear continuous CPT from those colors
automatically. The color of the compressive quadrants is determined by the
z-value (i.e., event depth or the third column for an input file). This setting
also applies to the fill of the circle defined via ``offset``.
no_clip : bool
Do **not** skip symbols that fall outside the frame boundaries [Default is
``False``, i.e., plot symbols inside the frame boundaries only].
kwargs = self._preprocess(**kwargs)
# Determine the focal mechanism convention from the input data or parameters.
_convention = _get_focal_convention(spec, convention, component)
# Preprocess the input data.
spec = _preprocess_spec(
# The minimum expected columns for the input data.
colnames=["longitude", "latitude", "depth", *_convention.params],
"longitude": longitude,
"latitude": latitude,
"depth": depth,
"plot_longitude": plot_longitude,
"plot_latitude": plot_latitude,
"event_name": event_name,
# Determine the offset parameter if not provided.
if kwargs.get("A") is None:
kwargs["A"] = _auto_offset(spec)
kwargs["S"] = f"{_convention.code}{scale}"
with Session() as lib:
with lib.virtualfile_in(check_kind="vector", data=spec) as vintbl:
lib.call_module(module="meca", args=build_arg_list(kwargs, infile=vintbl))