Source code for pygmt.src.blockm

blockm - Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mean, median, or mode estimation.

from typing import Literal

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pygmt.clib import Session
from pygmt.helpers import (

__doctest_skip__ = ["blockmean", "blockmedian", "blockmode"]

def _blockm(
    block_method, data, x, y, z, output_type, outfile, **kwargs
) -> pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | None:
    Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mean, median, or mode estimation.

    Reads arbitrarily located (x, y, z) triplets [or optionally weighted
    quadruplets (x, y, z, w)] from a table and writes to the output a mean,
    median, or mode (depending on ``block_method``) position and value for
    every non-empty block in a grid region defined by the ``region`` and
    ``spacing`` parameters.

    block_method : str
        Name of the GMT module to call. Must be "blockmean", "blockmedian" or

        Return type depends on ``outfile`` and ``output_type``:

        - ``None`` if ``outfile`` is set (output will be stored in file set by
        - :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` if ``outfile`` is not set
          (depends on ``output_type``)
    output_type = validate_output_table_type(output_type, outfile=outfile)

    column_names = None
    if output_type == "pandas" and isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
        column_names = data.columns.to_list()

    with Session() as lib:
        with (
                check_kind="vector", data=data, x=x, y=y, z=z, required_z=True
            ) as vintbl,
            lib.virtualfile_out(kind="dataset", fname=outfile) as vouttbl,
                args=build_arg_list(kwargs, infile=vintbl, outfile=vouttbl),
            return lib.virtualfile_to_dataset(
                vfname=vouttbl, output_type=output_type, column_names=column_names

[docs] @fmt_docstring @use_alias( I="spacing", R="region", S="summary", V="verbose", a="aspatial", b="binary", d="nodata", e="find", f="coltypes", h="header", i="incols", o="outcols", r="registration", w="wrap", ) @kwargs_to_strings(I="sequence", R="sequence", i="sequence_comma", o="sequence_comma") def blockmean( data=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, output_type: Literal["pandas", "numpy", "file"] = "pandas", outfile: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | None: r""" Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mean estimation. Reads arbitrarily located (x, y, z) triplets [or optionally weighted quadruplets (x, y, z, w)] and writes to the output a mean position and value for every non-empty block in a grid region defined by the ``region`` and ``spacing`` parameters. Takes a matrix, (x, y, z) triplets, or a file name as input. Must provide either ``data`` or ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``. Full option list at :gmt-docs:`blockmean.html` {aliases} Parameters ---------- data : str, {table-like} Pass in (x, y, z) or (longitude, latitude, elevation) values by providing a file name to an ASCII data table, a 2-D {table-classes}. x/y/z : 1-D arrays Arrays of x and y coordinates and values z of the data points. {output_type} {outfile} {spacing} summary : str [**m**\|\ **n**\|\ **s**\|\ **w**]. Type of summary values calculated by blockmean. - **m**: reports mean value [Default] - **n**: report the number of input points inside each block - **s**: report the sum of all z-values inside a block - **w**: report the sum of weights {region} {verbose} {aspatial} {binary} {nodata} {find} {incols} {coltypes} {header} {outcols} {registration} {wrap} Returns ------- ret Return type depends on ``outfile`` and ``output_type``: - ``None`` if ``outfile`` is set (output will be stored in file set by ``outfile``) - :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` if ``outfile`` is not set (depends on ``output_type``) Example ------- >>> import pygmt >>> # Load a table of ship observations of bathymetry off Baja California >>> data = pygmt.datasets.load_sample_data(name="bathymetry") >>> # Calculate block mean values within 5 by 5 arc-minute bins >>> data_bmean = pygmt.blockmean(data=data, region=[245, 255, 20, 30], spacing="5m") """ return _blockm( block_method="blockmean", data=data, x=x, y=y, z=z, output_type=output_type, outfile=outfile, **kwargs, )
[docs] @fmt_docstring @use_alias( I="spacing", R="region", V="verbose", a="aspatial", b="binary", d="nodata", e="find", f="coltypes", h="header", i="incols", o="outcols", r="registration", w="wrap", ) @kwargs_to_strings(I="sequence", R="sequence", i="sequence_comma", o="sequence_comma") def blockmedian( data=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, output_type: Literal["pandas", "numpy", "file"] = "pandas", outfile: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | None: r""" Block average (x, y, z) data tables by median estimation. Reads arbitrarily located (x, y, z) triplets [or optionally weighted quadruplets (x, y, z, w)] and writes to the output a median position and value for every non-empty block in a grid region defined by the ``region`` and ``spacing`` parameters. Takes a matrix, (x, y, z) triplets, or a file name as input. Must provide either ``data`` or ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``. Full option list at :gmt-docs:`blockmedian.html` {aliases} Parameters ---------- data : str, {table-like} Pass in (x, y, z) or (longitude, latitude, elevation) values by providing a file name to an ASCII data table, a 2-D {table-classes}. x/y/z : 1-D arrays Arrays of x and y coordinates and values z of the data points. {output_type} {outfile} {spacing} {region} {verbose} {aspatial} {binary} {nodata} {find} {coltypes} {header} {incols} {outcols} {registration} {wrap} Returns ------- ret Return type depends on ``outfile`` and ``output_type``: - ``None`` if ``outfile`` is set (output will be stored in the file set by ``outfile``) - :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` if ``outfile`` is not set (depends on ``output_type``) Example ------- >>> import pygmt >>> # Load a table of ship observations of bathymetry off Baja California >>> data = pygmt.datasets.load_sample_data(name="bathymetry") >>> # Calculate block median values within 5 by 5 arc-minute bins >>> data_bmedian = pygmt.blockmedian( ... data=data, region=[245, 255, 20, 30], spacing="5m" ... ) """ return _blockm( block_method="blockmedian", data=data, x=x, y=y, z=z, output_type=output_type, outfile=outfile, **kwargs, )
[docs] @fmt_docstring @use_alias( I="spacing", R="region", V="verbose", a="aspatial", b="binary", d="nodata", e="find", f="coltypes", h="header", i="incols", o="outcols", r="registration", w="wrap", ) @kwargs_to_strings(I="sequence", R="sequence", i="sequence_comma", o="sequence_comma") def blockmode( data=None, x=None, y=None, z=None, output_type: Literal["pandas", "numpy", "file"] = "pandas", outfile: str | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame | np.ndarray | None: r""" Block average (x, y, z) data tables by mode estimation. Reads arbitrarily located (x, y, z) triplets [or optionally weighted quadruplets (x, y, z, w)] and writes to the output a mode position and value for every non-empty block in a grid region defined by the ``region`` and ``spacing`` parameters. Takes a matrix, (x, y, z) triplets, or a file name as input. Must provide either ``data`` or ``x``, ``y``, and ``z``. Full option list at :gmt-docs:`blockmode.html` {aliases} Parameters ---------- data : str, {table-like} Pass in (x, y, z) or (longitude, latitude, elevation) values by providing a file name to an ASCII data table, a 2-D {table-classes}. x/y/z : 1-D arrays Arrays of x and y coordinates and values z of the data points. {output_type} {outfile} {spacing} {region} {verbose} {aspatial} {binary} {nodata} {find} {coltypes} {header} {incols} {outcols} {registration} {wrap} Returns ------- ret Return type depends on ``outfile`` and ``output_type``: - ``None`` if ``outfile`` is set (output will be stored in the file set by ``outfile``) - :class:`pandas.DataFrame` or :class:`numpy.ndarray` if ``outfile`` is not set (depends on ``output_type``) Example ------- >>> import pygmt >>> # Load a table of ship observations of bathymetry off Baja California >>> data = pygmt.datasets.load_sample_data(name="bathymetry") >>> # Calculate block mode values within 5 by 5 arc-minute bins >>> data_bmode = pygmt.blockmode(data=data, region=[245, 255, 20, 30], spacing="5m") """ return _blockm( block_method="blockmode", data=data, x=x, y=y, z=z, output_type=output_type, outfile=outfile, **kwargs, )