"""Enumerations for PyGMT."""fromenumimportIntEnumclassGridFormat(IntEnum):""" Enum for the GMT grid format ID. These enums are defined in 'gmt_grdio.h'. """UNKNOWN=0#: Unknown grid formatBF=1#: GMT native, C-binary format (32-bit float)BS=2#: GMT native, C-binary format (16-bit integer)RB=3#: SUN rasterfile format (8-bit standard)BB=4#: GMT native, C-binary format (8-bit integer)BM=5#: GMT native, C-binary format (bit-mask)SF=6#: Golden Software Surfer format 6 (32-bit float)CB=7#: GMT netCDF format (8-bit integer, deprecated)CS=8#: GMT netCDF format (16-bit integer, deprecated)CI=9#: GMT netCDF format (32-bit integer, deprecated)CF=10#: GMT netCDF format (32-bit float, deprecated)CD=11#: GMT netCDF format (64-bit float, deprecated)RF=12#: GEODAS grid format GRD98 (NGDC)BI=13#: GMT native, C-binary format (32-bit integer)BD=14#: GMT native, C-binary format (64-bit float)NB=15#: GMT netCDF format (8-bit integer)NS=16#: GMT netCDF format (16-bit integer)NI=17#: GMT netCDF format (32-bit integer)NF=18#: GMT netCDF format (32-bit float)ND=19#: GMT netCDF format (64-bit float)SD=20#: Golden Software Surfer format 7 (64-bit float, read-only)AF=21#: Atlantic Geoscience Center format AGC (32-bit float)GD=22#: Import through GDALEI=23#: ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (ASCII integer)EF=24#: ESRI Arc/Info ASCII Grid Interchange format (ASCII float)
[docs]classGridRegistration(IntEnum):""" Enum for the grid registration. """GRIDLINE=0#: Gridline registrationPIXEL=1#: Pixel registration
[docs]classGridType(IntEnum):""" Enum for the grid type. """CARTESIAN=0#: Cartesian gridGEOGRAPHIC=1#: Geographic grid